**Previous Episode: [[BDE348]]** **Next Episode: [[BDE350]]** %%Post image thumbnail below.%% ![wmed center](https://i.postimg.cc/mD864SRS/BDE-Capture-27.png) > [!abstract|no-i] **Episode Overview** **Date Aired:** [[08-06-2024]] **Title:** I Thought it Was Monday **Episode:** 349 **Description:** I thought it was Monday. **Link:** https://rumble.com/v59zzyl-big-dig-energy-349-i-thought-it-was-monday.html **Tags:** %%<https://historydraft.com/happened/what-happened/1-January/world>%% ## Replay %% Get embed URL then highlight and hit ALT + I%% <iframe src="https://rumble.com/embed/v57nrg5/?pub=6eeyh" allow="fullscreen" allowfullscreen="" style="height:100%;width:100%; aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; "></iframe> <br> ## Greetings & Announcements 1. Hi! ## Segments %%Footer Starts Here%% --- ![[Brain Icon 1.png|center]] <b><font color="#ffffff"> <center>You might not have noticed it… but your brain did.</center> </font></b> --- ### Tags ### Linked Pages & Footnotes